I love to write. There is some charm in writing down your thoughts. The only problem, I struggle to write pretty texts. It’s not like I can’t do them, it’s just requires a lot of effort. Nevertheless writing is a valuable skill, which can additionally grow into something bigger.
To be completely honest, my main motivation is in fact much more ambitious than just learn to a new skill. I want to become a writer. It is so fascinating how much impact ideas can make. And ever more astonishing how those ideas refines when they are shared. I have a lot to tell, and ever more to learn.
Talking with people about different aspect of life and worldview, I’ve noticed the subtle detail recently. Sometimes you don’t consciously know about your thoughts, they just come out of each other in a such deeply layered way, so it’s hard track everyone of them. But once you begin to speak out loud, they tend to become more structured and natural.
Writing has the same effect. Seeing your ideas on the paper, in an organized and related way, just makes it so easier to reason about everything. And reasoning plays a huge role in development and expanding the mind.
The benefits are clear for me, and the only way to grasp them is to become good at writing. And to make that happen, as of today, I’m making it a habit to write every day. I’m going to note down anything I have on my mind, and will publish every text I write. The more you do, the faster you learn, so for now, there will be no constraints on length, topic, or even lexical correctness. That way I will maximize the results while still enjoying the process.
So lets begin the journey!